Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nerf Demolisher Blaster (BzzAgent)

Hello my lovely readers!  When I found out that I qualified for this awesome toy from Nerf, I was so happy because it's what my oldest son been wanting for his bday.

Here is a picture of what they sent me:

Included in the package was a pack of double AA batteries and Nerf coupons.

Here is what's inside the box:

Now who wouldn't want to play with this toy.  Ok, so since I have two boys I have to get another one because it just wouldn't be fun if you only have one Nerf Demolisher Blaster.  Don't you agree?  So, since Hasbro and BzzAgent added coupons on the package, I went and use the coupon and purchased one at Walmart.  It was also perfect timing because the Nerf Demolisher was on markdown.  Now, we have two.

My boys were so happy to receive the Nerf Demolisher Blaster.  Sorry, I didn't get the chance to take pictures of them.

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free from Hasbro for review. Powered by BzzAgent

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